শনিবার, ৩ মার্চ, ২০১২

Free Internet Business, Simple Ways to Make Money Online

In a prior article I wrote about new members of the internet marketing club losing out because of their own lack of knowledge of how the internet actually works. The truth is, at least as far as I?m concerned, that the internet can be a very hard taskmaster where you must do the groundwork to achieve anything approaching financial independence. There are no ?magic bullets?, but you can start a free internet business. There really are simple way to make money online.

?To the matter in hand, ?Free Internet Business?. No-one, in the know, in the internet marketing club, will deny that what follows is 100% fact. Your money will stay in your own pocket and not in the pocket of a guy with a $ 2,000,000 house and no conscience. So how is this possible? Read on.

?If you have already started down the road to making an income from the internet, you may already have your own website and hosting.

If this is the case simply alter the following information to suit your own circumstances. In addition it?s worth bearing in mind that there is no reason why you shouldn?t use the following information to raise the profile of your existing business.

?If you are new to the ?game? keep your money in your pocket! The following is what you don?t need (at this stage anyway)

No website costs
No hosting costs
No subscriptions to things you don?t understand

?Until you get used to the internet this is all that you really do need.

A computer, or a library nearby if it comes to it
An internet connection, or a library nearby if it comes to it
A free Paypal account, this is where your makings will appear
A free Squidoo.com account. This is where you will make sales.
A willingness to l-e-a-r-n

?Squidoo.com will never try to sell you anything, and they will never ask you for money. What they do, to make it worth their while, is to place small ads on every lens (as the pages are called) and when someone buys through one of the small ads on your page they split the commission with you!

?I?m going to give you an example Squidoo.com page to visit later. When you visit that link you?re going to realise a couple of things.

The page is simple, but effective and quite attractive.
You only saw the page because of this article
Bingo! Tie these two things together and suddenly you have a situation where you can start to sell and not spend a bean!

?Let?s look at Squidoo.com some more. What makes it so good?

It?s 100% free
There are no hosting costs. In fact there are no costs whatsoever.
Squidoo.com can get your message on page one of Google free of charge (again) inside 24 hours if your message is compelling enough and there is not too much competition. We?ll talk about this last point later.
It?s made up of individual modules. Each of these modules contains options for both text and pictures.
You do not need any knowledge of programming languages, although we will talk about this a little more later
It?s got a built in Amazon facility
It?s got Ebay built in
It?s got more widgets than a widget factory
You can choose what you want and what you don?t
They pay you every month as long as you?ve reached your lower makings limit. Currently this can be set as low as $ 1

There are individuals making a very good living using this free resource, but there are better reasons to join than this, as nice as it is to have the bit of extra money. Because the site is free and so easy to use you can use it to practice what you will do later. You will become more confident about using the internet to your own advantage.

?A short word about the ?Bingo? moment mentioned above. Every webpage needs traffic! You will have to promote it and get as many back links to it as you can. This article is raising the profile, on the search engines, of my Squidoo.com page. My Squidoo.com page is, in turn, linked to two of my web sites. The website will shortly mention this article. Do you see the virtuous circle? Do you see the cross linking? The spiders, small computer programs that check web sites and short articles like this, that Google uses, see these links and this helps the importance of all three elements in the search engines. These are of course:

The article itself
The Squidoo.com page
The website?

Once you?ve understood how to get this far, you are on your way. Financial independence may be still be in the distance and there is still a lot to learn, but you?re on your way.

You?ve read this article now and should have realised that I want you to visit my Squidoo.com page. Once there you?re going to find even more helpful information. You?re going to learn how to promote any website, Squidoo lens or blog using free methods. You?ll also learn how you can make money giving away a free well written resource.

Read about Free Internet Business, Simple Ways to Make Money Online.

Source: http://www.1directory.net/internet-and-businesses-online/free-internet-business-simple-ways-to-make-money-online-11062.html

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